
Each class at BHPP offers varied experiences in art, language, music, movement, science, outdoor play and cooking as we believe that children learn best through play. Developmentally-appropriate academic basics are introduced in our older classes as we gradually shift our focus to kindergarten readiness.

(2 YR OLD)

Children must be two years old on or before September 1 of the applicable school year. We offer a five day per week schedule, however children may attend any number or combination of days per week, without prior scheduling. Children are grouped into classes based upon birthday. Class begins at 9:00am and ends at 12:00pm. For children who are no longer napping in the afternoon, a full day option is available until 2:00pm. Children are not required to be potty trained to attend. 

The Two Year Old program offers an introduction to socialization for children and an opportunity to learn through play.

(3 YR OLD)

Children must be three years old on or before  September 1 of the applicable school year.  We ask that children are either potty trained or in process before beginning the school year. We offer a five day per week schedule, however children may attend any number or combination of days per week, without prior scheduling. Children are grouped into classes based upon birthday. Class begins at  9:00am and ends at 12:00pm. A full day option until  2:00pm is available. Children bring their lunch from home and enjoy enrichment activities like cooking, languages, and movement. 

The Three Year Old program offers ongoing socialization skills for children as well as learning through play with developmentally-appropriate introductions to academic basics such as letters and numbers. 

(4 YR OLD)

Children must be four years old by September 1 of the applicable school year. The four year old class is a five day per week schedule. Class begins at 9:00am and ends at  2:00pm

The Four Year Old program introduces children to developmentally-appropriate academics such as letters, numbers, and science. Kindergarten readiness is the goal of our Four Year Old class however we recognize that kindergarten readiness is not only academic. Social emotional growth, adaptability, communication, and independence are just a few of the areas we focus on to ready children for kindergarten...while also having lots of time for play!


Our Transitional Kindergarten is available to children who are  4.5 years old by September 1 of the applicable school year. The TK class is offered five days per week, beginning at 9:00am and concluding at 2:00pm each day. 

Our Transitional Kindergarten offers a unique, small class size to prepare children for kindergarten. Students in our TK often have summer and fall birthdays therefore they either do not make the age cut-off for kindergarten or their parents have elected an additional year of preschool to serve the child's individual needs. This class allows exploration of early reading and writing skills in addition to math and science...and still lots of play too!